Sunday, August 28, 2022

 The situation is complex when our real enemies are imaginary!

Bad time is when things happen worse than what you fear. Good time is when things happen better than what you expect!

 Thinking begins when you interrupt loving yourself!

Most of our modern history is made out of drawing and erasing boundaries. The rest is living, loving and exploring!

 OXYMORON: virtual reality

 Our desperate attempt of rationalizing everything very much included that of pi too.


There are two kinds of lies: Bad lies and Good lies. Bad lies are those what we talk about ourselves. Good lies are those what we speak in obituaries!

 Our idea can be half cooked but we don't like to be grilled, neither do we wish to be in a soup!

 Creativity is about 'movement'. It begins when we ask to ourselves, 'where do I go from here?'

 You Go by Attitude, Grow by Gratitude!

 You interpret or you interrupt...Life has great supplies of absurdities and even greater supplies of reasons!

 Whatever happens, tomorrow comes!

 Freedom is when you are able to fearlessly ask questions!

 To unite you need a strong force and/ or weak minds.

 There are three kinds of matter: simple, complex and complicated! 


 You need the strongest strength to express your weakest weakness!